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Frasca Mentor AATD

The Frasca Mentor replicates a Cessna 172S Skyhawk utilizing an authentic Garmin G1000 panel. As one of the most advanced trainers on the market, The G1000 combined with over 10000 airports and a GCF-700 autopilot generates a realistic flying experience working with the more advanced systems found on many of today's General Aviation aircraft. IFR or VFR the advanced systems, visual enhancement and 3 large 200 degree viewscreens allows for realistic, scenario based-training. Meaningful VFR training can be easily accomplished by using the wings and struts as reference points. Satellite ground imagery gives an additional realistic feel. Pilots can perform all VFR maneuvers such as turns around a point, pattern work, side and forward slips, as well as approach to landings helping to understand the concepts before practical application in the actual aircraft.

This system is in excellent condition. Contact us today for special pricing. This simulator will sell fast!




Additional System Options:

  • Frasca’s TruVision technology

  • Worldwide visual database with over 10,000 runways, coastlines, representative terrain, rivers, roads.

  • Fly anywhere in the world and view representative terrain and runways

  • Continuous time of day/Night, city lighting, vehicles, and building structures

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